Vegemite in small jar.

Can Dogs Eat Vegemite?
Fact Checked By Our Vet

Written By Eloisa Thomas | Canine Coach, Double M.A in Anthropology.
Edited & Fact Checked By Renae Soppe | B.A Journalism & Science. 
Last Updated: 8th January 2024

This savoury spread is an Australian classic, but should your pup partake in the fun. If you’re wondering whether your dog can eat Vegemite, here’s what experts have to say about it

What Is Vegemite?

This is a dark, brown paste used as a spread. Invented in Melbourne in 1923 [1], Vegemite was manufactured to imitate traditional British marmite.

Salty, malty and thick, this spread became since its inception Australia’s favourite paste. Although they are similar, marmite is slightly saltier and bitter, with Vegemite having a slightly subtle flavour.

Vegemite is made out of leftover yeast from beer production. Because of this, Vegemite is very rich in vitamin B12. Just 5 grams of Vegemite on toast (a very light layer), covers about 80% of a human’s daily needs [2].

For humans, Vegemite can be a great addition to your daily intake thanks to the vitamin B6, B12, thiamine, riboflavin and folates. But should your dog also get a taste?

Can Dogs Eat Vegemite?

Technically speaking, Vegemite doesn’t have specific ingredients that are poisonous for dogs. Nevertheless, the high sodium percentage can be a risk.

Most vets will agree that dogs shouldn’t eat Vegemite regularly or in large quantities because of the large sodium quantity. This means that if your dog snuck a little bit of Vegemite toast, it’s probably not an issue. But if they got into the whole Vegemite jar, you need to take them to the vet ASAP.

Is Sodium in Vegemite Dangerous for Dogs? The Risks

The main risk of dogs eating Vegemite is sodium poisoning.

According to the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO), a balanced dog food needs to have at least 0.3% sodium to support normal physiological functions. Nevertheless, anything more than about 1% can be considered excess sodium intake.

Excessive sodium consumption can lead to salt toxicosis, also known as sodium poisoning. Unfortunately, most pets are relatively sensitive to sodium overconsumption. Even swimming in seawater (that has 3.5% sodium) can cause sodium poisoning [3].

If your dog has eaten too much sodium, most pets will self-regulate by drinking water. You might notice they go to their bowl more often, or they finish it faster than usual.

However, if your dog eats a large amount of salt and doesn’t have access to enough water, they can quickly become dehydrated. Signs of excessive salt intake in dogs are:

  • Vomiting after eating. This can happen several hours faster when ingesting sodium-rich food.
  • Diarrhoea and gastrointestinal upset.
  • Internal ulceration. This can show by blood in your dog’s vomit.
  • General weakness and lethargy. Usually, this is accentuated by the dehydration brought on by vomiting.
  • Muscle tremors and seizures. If the symptoms above have been left unattended, your dog might develop muscle tremors and seizures caused by severe brain dehydration. At this point, your dog will need urgent veterinarian care or they might even risk death.

What To Do If My Dog Ate Vegemite?

So, you were enjoying your crackers and realised your pup got into the Vegemite. What to do now?

The first step is trying to figure out how much they ate. If they only managed to snack on a few crackers or a piece of toast, you don’t need to worry. Your dog will be fine and other than keeping an eye out for any gastrointestinal upset, they probably won’t have any symptoms.

On the other hand, if your dog got into a full jar of Vegemite, it’s important to call the vet ASAP. Depending on whether your dog is already showing sodium poisoning symptoms, your vet will recommend at-home treatment or urgent care.

PRO TIP: Puppies and old dogs are particularly fragile when it comes to food poisoning. If you have a young or a senior dog that got into a large amount of Vegemite, we recommend getting them to the vet as soon as possible.

In all cases, it’s important to provide fresh water in small amounts and at frequent intervals. If your dog only managed to eat a few licks of Vegemite, having plenty of fresh water will usually be enough to counter any side effects.

Is It Ever Ok To Give Vegemite To Dogs?

If you’re wondering whether Vegemite is healthy for dogs, you’ve likely heard about some people feeding it to their pups.

In Australia, using Vegemite to give medicine is more or less common. But is this a safe practice?

According to doctor Tessa Jongejans from Greencross Vets [4], the strong flavour of Vegemite can help your dog swallow their medicine easier. As long as this is done on very specific occasions and doesn’t become a habit, a small amount of Vegemite can help you get your dog to eat their medicine.


Can dogs eat marmite?

If you’re wondering if dogs can eat Vegemite, you’re probably also unsure about the safety of Marmite.

Even though Marmite and Vegemite are not the same, they share many of the same ingredients and proportions. In both cases, they are high in sodium and can be the cause of sodium poisoning.

In general, you shouldn’t offer Marmite to your dog unless it is used to give them medicine.

Can puppies eat Vegemite?

Puppies and senior dogs tend to be more vulnerable to sodium imbalances. We don’t recommend giving Vegemite to young dogs, even if you’re trying to slip them a tablet!

Healthier alternatives that can work to give your puppy a pill are sliced cheese, a piece of meat, pate or even a bit of bread.


  1. National Museum Australia. Defining symbols of Australia.
  2. The Spruce eats. What is vegemite?
  3. MSD Veterinary Manual. Clinical findings for salt toxicosis in Animals.
  4. Greencross Vets. How Can I Get My Pet to Swallow Their Tablets?

Olivia De Santos

Olivia De Santos is Gentle Dog Trainers Canine Coach, Professional Writer and Video Content Creator.

Olivia has over 10 years of experience writing professionally and is a dog Mum to Pip, her Podengo and Blue, her Flat-coated Retriever. She loves writing pieces to help people to be better dog owners.

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  1. My Labradoodle has 1/2 slice of bread with a light smear of vegemite with his dinner most nights, he's on the BARF diet. A vet once told us it helps keep fleas away. He's 8 and rarely gets fleas. He also does not have any flea or tick preventative medcines, he is 8 and in perfect health. He rarely gets dry dog food so his diet is pretty low in salt. He swims in the ocean regularly also.

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