Golden Retriever puppy with a carrot in their mouth.

Can Dogs Eat Carrots? Fact Checked By Our Vet

Written By Eloisa Thomas | Canine Coach, Double M.A in Anthropology.
Edited & Fact Checked By Renae Soppe | B.A Journalism & Science. 
Last Updated: 2nd January 2025

Like other colourful vegetables, carrots are healthy for humans. But can carrots be good for dogs? We scoured scientific research to figure out if this veggie is healthy for your pup.

Can Dogs Eat Carrots?

Yes! Carrots are one of the best veg treats for your pup.

This root vegetable is often orange, but also comes in a variety of different colours from white to red, purple and yellow. All carrots, regardless of their colour, can be eaten by dogs. They don’t have any toxic compounds and are rich in healthy antioxidants.

Many high-quality prepared dog food brands include carrots in their recipes. Since they are rich in vitamin A, vitamin K and beta-carotene, this veggie helps round up your dog’s micronutrient intake.

Benefits of Carrots For Dogs

Although dog-specific research on the benefit of carrots is scarce, we have different studies that might show some benefits. Here’s what scientists have published on the possible benefits of dogs eating carrots:

  • Healthier sight and skin: The bright orange colour in carrots and other vegetables is due to beta-carotene. This is a powerful antioxidant essential to vitamin A metabolism in the body. Studies show that reaching the recommended value of vitamin A can help protect your dog’s eyes in the long term by preventing macular degeneration and cataracts [1].

PRO TIP: Want to make sure your dog absorbs vitamin A when eating carrots? Add half a teaspoon of vegetable oil when serving. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin and is better absorbed with a little extra oil.

  • Feeds their microbiome: Just like humans, dogs also have a host of microbes in their gut. Having a healthy diversity of good bacteria and microorganisms has been strongly linked to long-term health in dogs and other animals [2]. Carrots have plenty of prebiotic fibre that feeds the good microbes to keep your dog healthy and away from chronic diseases.
  • Lower blood pressure: Fibre is also linked to healthier blood pressure among dogs (and humans). A diet with enough fibre reduces the amount of “bad cholesterol” in the blood. If your dog follows a diet with the recommended fibre intake, they have a lower chance of developing high blood pressure.

PRO TIP: If you suspect your dog might have high blood pressure or they have been officially diagnosed, never medicate at home. Even if fibre is beneficial, it will not substitute proper veterinarian care and/or vet-recommended medications!

  • Could lower their chances of getting cancer: Cancer in dogs is a very complex disease, and experts don’t fully understand the causes. Nevertheless, a recent study showed that a compound called falcarinol has strong anti-cancer properties [3]. Carrots are naturally rich in this compound because it protects the plant from fungal disease. In another study done with humans, researchers found that people who consumed extra beta-carotene had a lower risk of colon cancer [4].
  • Improved bone density: Carrots are rich in vitamin A and vitamin E, which are key to regulating calcium metabolism in your dog’s body. Researchers found that a vitamin K deficiency was directly correlated to weak bones [4]. Your puppy could benefit from a little extra grated carrot in their plat!

Can Carrots Be Dangerous To Dogs?

Even though this root vegetable is generally healthy and could be beneficial, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing.

A small study found that some dogs could be mildly allergic to carrots, with a special sensitivity to carrot pollen [3]. This allergy wasn’t life-threatening and symptoms were mild. If your dog is allergic or sensitive to pollen, it might be a good idea to talk to your vet before giving them extra carrots.

Another issue that might be a problem is choking. Because of their sturdy texture; carrots can be a choking hazard if not grated. Dogs of any size can choke, so don’t assume that because your dog is large they will be able to munch on whole carrots. Your best option is cutting it up into smaller bite-sized pieces.

How To Give Carrots To Your Dog

Although carrots in any way are healthy for dogs, you can boost the nutrients by preparing carrots the right way.

Nutrients in raw carrots are harder to digest: only 3% of antioxidants are released when your dog eats raw carrots. In contrast, cooked carrots with a little bit of oil added release up to 40% more beta-carotene! [3].

To give all the benefits of carrots to your dog, here’s what scientists say:

  • Cook the carrots beforehand: Cooked carrots are easier on your dog’s stomach and tend to taste sweeter than raw.
  • Season with a little bit of oil: Most of the nutrients in carrots are oil-soluble. This means a little bit of oil while cooking or serving can boost the absorption of vitamins and antioxidants. Make sure not to go overboard though!
  • Puree, steamed or boiled: Any of these work, just find which presentation is more attractive to your pup!
  • Cut up into bite-sized pieces: This is especially important if you’re giving raw carrots t your dog. Never give your dog whole carrots!


Can dogs eat roasted carrots?

Yes, but not those prepared for humans. If you want to roast your dog’s carrots, prepare a batch only for them. Cook the carrots without extra seasonings and with only a very small drizzle of vegetable oil. Roasted carrots for humans usually have salt, oil and other seasonings that can harm your pup.


  1. Diez, M., et al (1997). Dietary fibre in dogs’ diet. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition.
  2. Dogs Naturally. Dysbiosis in dogs.
  3. Garrod, B et al. (1978). Cis-heptadeca-1,9-diene-4,6-diyne-3,8-diol, an antifungal polyacetylene from carrot root tissue. Physiological Plant Pathology.
  4. Foster, J. (2011). Feeding dogs and cats. The Veterinary Record, 168(6), 164. Available here.

Eloisa Thomas

Eloisa Thomas is Gentle Dog Trainers Canine Coach & Anthropologist.

With a double master's degree in Anthropology and awarded a Chancellor's International Scholarship to pursue a PhD in History at the University of Warwick (UK), she's well equipped to write well written and factual canine information that will actually help people understand their dogs better.

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