Border Collie changing ID tag and microchip details.

How to Change Dog Microchip Details In Australia

Written By Vedrana Nikolic | Canine Coach, B.A Ethnology & Anthropology, M.A Semiotics.
Edited & Fact Checked By Renae Soppe | B.A Journalism & Science. 
Last Updated: 1st January 2025

Microchips for dogs are not only legally required in most place, but they are also infinitely useful. We don’t expect our pets to get lost, but when that happens, the microchip can make the difference between being reunited with your pet and never seeing them again.

However, the microchip in itself contains just a number. This is not enough to identify you as the owner of a dog if he or she is lost. However, this number is connected to a database that contains your contact details and that allows vets or shelters to find you if your dog is lost.

As you probably already know, this can only work if your dog’s microchip details are up to date. So how does one update those in Australia? Today, we’ll go over everything you need to know to change your dog’s microchip details without too much hassle.

Jog jumping fence

How Do You Change Dog Microchip Details in Australia?

It all comes down to contacting the registry where your dog’s microchip details are stored. In many cases, this can be done online by filling out a form online. If not, it can be done via phone, email, or mail.

Not sure who you need to contact? Skip to the section below where we’ll explain how to find out. 

Related: Moving With Your Dog - The Ultimate Guide.

Microchip Registries in Australia

Currently, there are five privately owned microchip registries in Australia. All of them are operated nationwide and are accepted by local governments in most states where microchips are mandatory.

In addition to those 5, there are 2 government-operated registries: one in NSW and one in SA.

You’ll need to contact the database service provider your dog’s microchip is registered with in order to change the details. If you are unsure where your pet is registered, refer to the certificate you should have received when first registering your dog’s microchip. If that’s not available, refer to the next section in this article for guidance on how to find out.

Central Animal Records

  • Email:
  • Phone: 03 9706 3187

Central Animal Records (CAR) is the largest pet registry in Australia. Details can be updated online, by email, or by phone. Note that you’ll need to confirm your identity by citing your exact address/email/microchip number of your pet depending on the way you contact the registry.

PRO TIP: If your pet was registered with the National Pet Register before 2017, they are now registered with CAR as the company took over the management of all data and services previously maintained by the National Pet Register.

Here is how to contact the main pet registries in Australia to change the details connected to your dog’s microchip:

Australasian Animal Registry

  • Email:
  • Phone: 02 9704 1450

For pets registered with AAR, details can be updated by logging in online at In case of issues contact them by email or phone.

Global Micro Animal Registry

  • Email:
  • Phone: 02 8338 9063

Most details (except ownership and the name of the owner) can be changed online by logging in to the website at In case of issues contact the registry by email or phone.

Petsafe Registry

  • Email:
  • Phone: 02 8850 6800

Microchip details can be changed online at You’ll need to select ‘Register a Pet' from the menu bar, then select ‘Amend Registrations and Print Certificates’. To edit the details, you’ll need your Petsafe Member ID and password.

If unable to find or recover the ID and password, details can also be amended by filling out a form and sending it by mail, email, or fax.

HomeSafe ID

  • Email:
  • Phone: 1300 537 140

The easiest way to update your details if your dog is registered with HomeSafe ID is by logging in and doing it online at In case of issues contact the registry by email or phone.

Dogs and Cats Online (SA Only)

Dogs and Cats Online is the official SA database for microchips as well as local council registrations. Registering your pet here is mandatory as well as keeping the details up to date. Your info can be edited online at

If the reason for changing the details is a change of address to somewhere out of SA, it is recommended to register your pet’s microchip with a nationwide registry.

NSW Pet Registry

In NSW, all dogs (with a few exceptions) are required by law to be microchipped and registered in the state database - NSW Pet Registry. Details can always be updated by the owner by logging in at

If you are moving out of NSW, keep in mind that the NSW Pet Registry does not work nationwide. In this case, you would need to register your pet on one of the nationwide registries described above.

Greyhound Microchip Registry

  • Email:
  • Phone: (03) 8329 1139

Greyhounds are often not registered on any of the databases mentioned above, but rather on the Greyhound Microchip Registry. If this is the case with your dog, you can update the microchip details by filling out the appropriate form found at The form can be sent in by email or paper mail.

What if I Don’t Know Where my Dog is Registered?

As you can see, there are multiple national databases where your dog can be registered, and it is these databases that you need to contact to change your pup’s microchip details. But what if you have no idea which database your dog is registered with?

Don’t worry, this is quite a common situation. Perhaps you just got a new pet and didn’t get this info from a previous owner. Or, another member of your family might have done it before.

Luckily, there is a solution for that (a search engine). Simply go to and type in your dog’s microchip number. If your dog (or any dog for that matter) is registered on one of the 5 major national databases, the website will tell you.

From there, you can follow the directions of your database provider to change the details as needed.

PRO TIP: The Pet Address search only shows dogs registered with one of the 5 private nationwide registries. While most dogs are registered on one of those, not all of them are.

If you live in NSW or SA, your dog should be registered in the respective state registry which does not show up on Pet Address. Moreover, greyhounds registered on GRV might not be visible on Pet Address.

If your dog has a working microchip that does not appear to be registered anywhere, you should register your dog in a database of your choice ASAP. A microchip on its own is not effective at all if it doesn’t show your contact details

What if I Don’t Know My Dog’s Microchip Number?

First of all, don’t panic. This is another issue that is pretty easy to solve, as long as your dog does have a microchip implanted.

All you need to do is take your pet to a vet, or pretty much anywhere that has a microchip reader. Every veterinary practice has those, and they will do this for you in a matter of seconds.

There are also some options for finding out the microchip number without physically getting the chip scanned:

  • Call the registry. If you know which provider has your dog’s microchip details but cannot remember the microchip number, simply contact them by phone or email and they might be able to identify the number based on your phone number or email address. 
  • Call your city council. Most city councils require microchip numbers to register your pet. If you have your pet registered there, they will know the microchip number.
  • Call your vet. If you have a regular vet that you go to with your dog, they might have already scanned your dog’s chip in the past and have this data somewhere.

Changing Ownership Data On Dog’s Microchip

Changing the details connected to your dog’s microchip (like your address or phone number) is usually pretty straightforward. However, when it comes to changing the owner of a dog, things get a bit more complicated.

While the exact procedures vary, the consent of both the old and the new owner is necessary for an ownership transfer to be registered. This can sometimes be done online but is often done by regular mail. The old owner needs to sign a form for the pet to be officially registered with the new owner.

Council Registration

In most places in Australia, dogs need to have a microchip with up-to-date information and be registered with the local council. These two are not the same thing. Typically, the dog needs to be microchipped before it can be registered

Usually, the registration with the council will result in a different number from that on a microchip. You will get a tag with the number printed on it which should be attached to your dog’s collar. It serves the same purpose as the microchip, but it is limited to your local area.

When your contact details change, such as your address or your phone number, you’ll need to update the info with your local council too (or change the council you are registered with). This is usually done by contacting the council, although some cities have options to do this online.

My Final Thoughts

Keeping your dog’s microchip details up to date is very important and can save you a lot of hassle in many situations. The most important reason for keeping the info updated is, of course, to make it possible for your pet to find their way back to you if they get lost.

Moreover, having your name and details connected to the microchip confirms that you are, in fact, the owner of the dog, which can be important if, for example, your dog needs serious intervention from the vet. In any case, we hope this guide has helped you update your details with ease.


Is microchipping mandatory for dogs in Australia?

Yes, in most parts of Australia, microchipping your dog is required by law, with a few exceptions (such as medical reasons or working dogs in some states). Only in NT the law does not require pets to be microchipped (but it is compulsory in the city of Darwin, for example).

How do I check if my dog's microchip is registered to me?

The easiest way to find this out is by taking your dog to a vet who can read the microchip and tell you if your name shows up. Alternatively, if you have your dog’s microchip number you can use the Pet Address search engine to find out which database contains your dog’s details and then contact them directly.

Can vets change microchip details?

No, the owner is the only one who can edit the microchip details. What vets can do is read the microchip and access the current details connected to it. They can also guide you through the process of changing the details yourself if you are not sure how to do it.

Vedrana Nikolic

Vedrana Nikolić is Gentle Dog Trainers Canine Coach, Professional Writer, Anthropologist & dog lover.

With a Masters Degree in Semiotics & Bachelors Degree in Anthropology, studying the communication between animals and humans, Vedrana is able to use her expertise to analyse and review dog products and write informative posts on canine behaviour and training.

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